Edible Elixir
1 oz | 30ml
Kitty Candy ™️ SWEETEN Edible Elixir is a natural edible specifically created to promote a fun and fruity way to spice up your sex life. Enjoy the taste and aroma of strawberries and cherries for a delicious and fun experience.
SWEETEN Edible elixir is deliciously flavored and are a exciting way to introduce oral sex to a partner who might be a little hesitant.
Our Edible Elixir is handmade and derived from organic plants, fruits and oil to create an amazing atmosphere for loving making.
Best to use after cleansing.
Sweeten Edible Elixir
Organic Coconut Oil, Calendula Extract, Chickweed Extract, Comfrey Extract, Marshmallow Root Extract, Plantain Extract, Neem Extract, Organic Strawberry Extract, Organic Cherry Extract, Organic Stevia Leaf Extract, Vitamin E Oil
For the best possible experience put small drops of elixir all over your different erogenous zones and invite your lover to discover them one by one.
Best to use after cleansing.