1 oz | 30 ml
Divine simplicity with alluring hints of creamy, warm rich, ooey gooey ingredients to keep your feminine area smelling delightful all day!
Kitty Candy®️ Honey Love is infused with sweet and warm extracts to enhance the most sacred area of a women’s body’s. Our Kitty Elixir is handmade and derived from organic plants, fruits and oil to aid in deodorizing, moisturizing, balancing and neutralizing the outer feminine area for all day freshness!
Honey Love Kitty Elixir
$29.99 Regular Price
$15.29Sale Price
Coconut Oil | Calendula | Chickweed | Comfrey | Marshmallow Root | Plantain |Neem | Vitamin E | Maple Extract | Vanilla Extract | Coconut Extract | Cinnamon Extract